From Tinker to Today: Student Rights in Schools
From Tinker to Today: Student Rights in Schools
This course satisfies the Safety, Support & Wellness requirement for the School Culture Advocate Certification. Learn more at
Course Description: The issues of civil liberties are present in our daily lives both inside and outside the school environment. However, the liberties of free speech and privacy get tricky when applied to the school setting. Does one student have the right to free expression when it is causing another student to feel offended? What do the courts say about student rights? How do we balance this with public safety? What makes a good teacher advocate for students? These are all questions that are magnified by the presence of social media and technology. So that we may be better advocates for our students, it is imperative we understand the law and how to apply it to keep our students protected.
This course will explore and interpret the wide-ranging span of rights for Iowa students and apply them to a contemporary context. Resources targeted for students and educators alike will be used to increase a deeper understanding of student rights and how they influence the outcome of a situation. Professionals from the field will share their knowledge of navigating through policies and become effective advocates for students. Finally, the course will give educators the tools they need to evaluate the policies within their own district to determine what can be done to increase safety while protecting rights.
Click here to view the entire course syllabus.
This is a one credit course.*
*Participants taking Drake graduate credit can enroll in a maximum of 12 graduate hours per academic semester. If you take more than 12 credit hours, not all of your credits will be issued nor will your money be refunded.
Upcoming sections:
May 25, 2025 - June 14, 2025
Course Fees (🎶👂🎹 Music to My Ears: $40 OFF License Renewal Credit and 15% OFF Grad Credit now through 3/9/25! Prices automatically applied—NO CODE REQUIRED! 🎶👂🎹):
License Renewal - $95 $55
Para credit - $95 $55
Graduate Credit - $175 $148.50
Audit - $35
If you have questions, check out our FAQ page! You can also email or call 515.381.0588 if you’d prefer to pay by check.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Please review our Terms & Conditions for more information on our refund and transfer policy.
Minimum Registration Limit
Beginning 8/1/2021, the minimum registration limit for a class will be three (3) registrants. If your registered class does not meet the minimum registration limit one week prior to your course start date, our Registrar will contact you about future transfer options.
Please allow up to two weeks for transcripts to be processed following a course end date. Request your transcripts by going to