The Schoolwide Pride Guide: Elementary Edition is a curriculum set of interactive activities, age-appropriate conversations starters, and assessment tools designed to integrate meaningful lessons about LGBTQ topics. It includes lessons on appreciating diversity, understanding self-expression, cultivating equity, understanding gender identity and transition, and developing allyship and openness in your schools and classrooms. These lessons are designed for kindergarten through fifth-grade students and are aligned to the Common Core.
The book also includes strategies for creating a welcoming classroom for LGBTQ students, a glossary of important terms, crafts that can help your students celebrate their pride, and printable student handouts and reading guides in full color. Helpful tips and a checklist to evaluate your school’s climate and culture is also included!
The #SchoolwidePrideGuide Curriculum Set comes with a copy of the Schoolwide Pride Guide: Elementary Edition and four hardcover books used in the guide. Those books include A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo by John Oliver, Julián is a Mermaid by Jessica Love, Introducing Teddy by Jessica Walton, and Stonewall by Rob Sanders.